Conference program
10.00 welcome
Ismo Tuominen, Ministerial Counsellor, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Peter Allebeck, NordAN president
Juha Mikkonen, EHYT director
Keynote speakers:
Former Director of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare dr PEKKA PUSKA
Do evidence and strategies influence policies?
Professor TIM STOCKWELL from University of Victoria, Canada
Finnish alcohol policy at the crossroads: Alternative health, safety and economic outcomes of tighter or looser regulatory systems
JEVGENI OSSINOVSKI, former health minister in Estonia
„Oh, it will hurt!“: The political experience of standing up to the booze industry in Estonia
11.45 lunch
12.45 special plenary

EU Health Commissioner dr Vytenis Andriukaitis
13.30 State of the monopolies

Leena Laitinen
Managing Director
Anna Raninen
Manager of Alcohol Research
14.30 coffee break
15.00 drug plenary

Learning from North American drug policy experience
Stig Erik Sørheim, Actis, president of EURAD
"Critics say that the world blindly followed the US into a global war on drugs. Are we now blindly following them into legalization?"
15.45 speed-dating
Speed-dating session has 3x15 minutes for 4-6 groups. Every participant can move around and choose what to listen and where to contribute.
Groups will include:
Women´s group - Leena Harake (KSAN)
Labelling - Mariann Skar (Eurocare)
KUPLA project - Emi Maeda (EHYT)
10 000 signatures for raising the age limit in Latvia - Raivis Ievins
Cannabis - Karin Rantala (EHYT)

17.00 NORDAN ga
The evening reception is organised by the office of The Mayor of Helsinki City at the Old Town Hall
12 october
arthur hotel conference centre
9.00 international
Alcohol policies: strengthening implementation for improved health and development outcomes
Dr Carina Ferreira-Borges, WHO Europe, Moscow
Eric Carlin, Director of Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems
Tiziana Codenotti, President of Eurocare

Changing Scotland’s relationship with alcohol – more to do

Alcohol policy at EU level - opportunities and challenges
10.30 coffee break
11.00 youth plenary
In 2019 NordAN is working with a project studying the alcohol policy views of the political youth organisations. We are asking if these youth organisations are in line with major political parties in Nordic countries and what kind of change we can see in that level which decides the future policies in our countries.
Plenary includes:
# Project overview and preliminary conclusions - Lauri Beekmann, Executive director, NordAN
# Moderated discussion about youth and alcohol policy:
Moderator - Kalle Dramstad, IOGT-NTO Brussels office
Nijole Gostautaite Midttun, NTAKK, Lithuania
Emi Maeda, KUPLA project, Finland
Kjetil Vesteraas, Juvente, Norway
Lukas Galkus, International Youth Health Organization

12.00 nordic
Changing but still moving forward. Progress in Nordic alcohol policy.
Dr Ülla-Karin Nurm, Director of the NDPHS (Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being) Secretariat
Heikki Hiilamo, Research Professor, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) - Alcohol industry strategies to influence the reform of the Finnish Alcohol Law
Nina Rehn-Mendoza Director of Public Health, and Nadja Frederiksen, Senior Adviser from Nordic Welfare Centre