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November 18

10.00 Welcome and introduction
Christian Bjerre, Director of the Danish Blue Cross
Professor Peter Allebeck, NordAN president

Situation in Denmark
Moderated by Peter Allebeck
#Drukfri ungdom policy initiative - Ida Fabricius Bruun, Alkohol & Samfund
Alcohol use among adolescents during the first pandemic lockdown in Denmark - Veronica Pisinger, Danish National Institute of Public Health
Renewal of low-risk drinking guidelines - Maja Bæksgaard Jørgensen, Danish Health Authority (presented by Peter Allebeck, Karolinska Institutet)
Danish Drug Policy - Christopher Schmitz, Danske Cannabis Behandlere (Video presentation)

12.00 LUNCH

13.00 PLENARY 2
Alcohol and family life
Moderated by Anne Babb, International Blue Cross
TUBA projectChristian Nyholm, TUBA Copenhagen
Strong and clear parenting programme - Hanne Cecilie Widnes, IOGT Norway
Alcohol and Family Life - It's all linked to FASD - Louise Gray, NOFASD Australia

14.00 PLENARY 3
Social services – what is available and what is needed?
Moderated by Lauri Beekmann, NordAN
Kerstin Stenius, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) (Finland) - Steering
of treatment of substance use related problems

Bjarne Elholm, Alkolinjen (Denmark) - The Alcoline - what difference does it make?
Comment from Katarina Wittgard, FAS-föreningen (Sweden) (Video presentation)


15.30 PLENARY 4 
Drug policy – effective measures and interventions
Moderated by: Peter Moilanen, Drug Policy Centre 
German domino effect - Cannabisindustry and legalization in EuropeStaffan Hübinette, Drug Policy Centre
Stig Erik Sørheim, Actis - Latest experiences from cannabis legalization in the US and Canada

November 19

9.00 PLENARY 5
Concepts of low-risk drinking levels
Moderated by Stig Erik Sørheim, Actis
Trajectories of alcohol use : how much do policies affect consumption among students? Evidence from the ESPAD studySabrina Molinaro, ESPAD
Drink Driving in the European Union: data and countermeasures - Antonio Avenoso, European Transport Safety Council (Video presentation)
When the safest is zero (FASD) - How to strengthen the focus on children affected by prenatal alcohol exposure to help them lead a good life? Nadja Frederiksen, Nordic Welfare Centre


11.00 PLENARY 6
Is there a future for pan-Nordic/Baltic alcohol policy cooperation?
Moderated by Nijole Gostautaite Midttun, The National Coalition for Tobacco and Alcohol Control (Lithuania), president
Eva Lindh, Nordic Council´s Welfare Committee´s chairwoman, member of Parliament (Sweden)
Dr Zaza Tsereteli, the International Technical Adviser for the NDPHS (The Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being) Expert Group on Alcohol and Substance use
Mindaugas Štelemėkas, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Public Health Department

12.00 PLENARY 7
Where is the European and global alcohol policy going?
Moderated by Mariann Skar
Peter Rice, Eurocare, Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP)
Øystein Bakke, Global Alcohol Policy Alliance


Photos: Per-Olof Svensson


As a network NordAN advocates the prevention and reducing of alcohol- and drug-related harm through effective evidence-based alcohol- and drug policy in the Nordic and Baltic countries and in the entire Northern dimension region of Europe.


Conference organizer: Lauri Beekmann

Telephone: +3725261884


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