Avatud konverents: raseduseaegse alkoholi mõju lootele

25. november 2015
Tallinna Ülikooli Auditorium Maximumis
25. november 2015, Tallinnas
10.00 Tervistussõnad ja sissejuhatus
10.15 Dr Raja Mukherjee, Suurbritannia (National Clinic for Fetal Alcohol, UK) - Loote alkoholikahjustuste spekter: diagnoosimise olulisus ja diagnostilised kriteeriumid.
The talk will look at the diagnostic process for the wider FASD spectrum and how this relates to behaviour management of an individual. Examples will be given from the UK FASD national clinic and also offer insights why the diagnosis is important.
11.00 Dr Nina Kaminen-Ahola, Soome (University of Helsinki), - Ema rasedusaegse alkoholitarvitamise mõju epigenoomile, geeniregulatsioonile ja loote arengule.
We study the effect of alcohol on the fetal epigenome by using mouse models and a collection of human tissue samples. Our objective is to improve the identification of alcohol-related defects, thus enabling the children to have access to the necessary developmental support as early as possible
11.45 Dr Gro CC Lohaugen, Norra (Sorlandet Hospital, Arendal) - South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority Resource Center – keskus sünnieelse alkoholikahjustusega lastele.
12.30-13.30 LÕUNAPAUS
13.30 Dr Peter Hepper, Põhja-Iirimaal (Queen’s University Belfast), - Kuidas mõjutavad „väikesed“ alkoholikogused loodet?
By observing the fetus during pregnancy, the time when it is being exposed to alcohol, a better understanding of the effects of alcohol on the fetus may be obtained. Ultrasound observation of the behaviour of the fetus indicates that both chronic and acute alcohol exposure influences the fetus’ brain and behaviour and, significantly, at low doses. There appears to be a dose-dependent effect, and the influence of alcohol on the behaviour of the fetus persists after alcohol has been cleared from the mother’s blood stream. Observation of the fetus indicates that exposure to a single glass of alcohol affects its brain and behaviour.
14.15 Dr Kersti K. Linask, USA (University of South Florida) - Alkoholist tingitud väärarendid ja foolhappe kaitsemehhanismid alkoholi mõju pärssimisel hiiremudelis.
15.00-15.30 KOHVIPAUS
15.30 Dr Kieran O´Malley, Iirimaa (College of Psychiatrists of Ireland) - Alkoholi teratogeensus ja teiseste loote alkoholikahjustuste spekter.
16.15 DISKUSSIOON ja lõpetamine